Documentation related to the repair of the apartment!

Real estate owners will definitely come into contact with the renovation of an apartment or residential building sooner or later during their conscious life.

It is usually a creative activity that improves the quality of one’s living environment.

Regardless of the reasons for the need for repairs (improvement of sanitary conditions, renewal of obsolete finishes, spring outburst of enthusiasm, etc.), repairs can be broadly classified into two categories: renovation and reconstruction.

By renovation, we usually mean changing the wallpaper, painting the wall or installing a new floor covering. No work is usually required to carry out such work.

Reconstruction is an activity in the course of which it is necessary to submit a construction / use notification or a data submission notification in order to perform the work to be performed.

Let’s make crystal clear with the following examples of life’s own different requirements!

Example 1: Open kitchen and more spacious bathroom

Viiekorruselises monteeritavast raudbetoonpaneelidest 1969. aastal ehitatud hoones soovis ühetoalise korteri omanik ühendada köögi elutoaga ja köögi koridori arvelt laiendada tuba. Kuna seda tüüpi hoonetel loetakse kandvateks osadeks kõik vaheseinad ning köögi avamiseks oli vaja vaheseina ava lõigata, siis oli enne tööde teostamist vajalik esitanud ehitusteatis koos asjakohase  projektiga.

Selle juures tuleb silmas pidada, et projekt peab vastama ehitusprojektile esitatavatele nõuetele ning peab olema koostatud asjatundlikult. Lühidalt peab ehitusprojekt olema koostatud litsentseeritud arhitekti/inseneri poolt.

Lisaks peab meeles pidama, et ehitustööde juures tuleb kinni pidada Asja tunde printsiibist. Asja tunnee põhimõtte kohaselt peab isik täitma hoolsuskohustust, et tagada oma tegevuse ohutus, nõuete arvestamine ja tulemuse saavutamine. Asja tunde eelduseks on tegevuse eripärale vastavad teadmised ja oskused. Lühidalt kokku võttes peab töid teostama oma ala professionaal.

Lisaks äsja mainitud printsiibile, tuleb oma tegevust dokumenteerida. Ehitamise dokumenteerib ehitav isik. Ehitamist kajastavad dokumendid (ehitusdokumendid) peavad võimaldama saada ehitise kasutamiseks ning selle kontrollimiseks asjakohast ehitisest ja ehitusest, sealhulgas kasutatud ehitustoodetest ja -materjalidest.

Ehitusdokumentidest peab olema võimalik tuvastada ehitamise eest vastutanud isik.
Pärast lõpetamist on vajalikke esitamisasutusi koos eeltöödepool mainitud dokumentatsiooniga, küsib Kohaliku Omavalitsuse vastav spetsialist lisadokumente või kannab teatise registrisse ning asja lõpetatud korrektselt.

Example 2: Planning change

Example 3: Sauna with electric heater

The owner of a two-room apartment in a similar building wanted to change the layout and location of the kitchen by adding non-load-bearing walls. As the load-bearing / stiffening structures and the technical systems of the building were not changed, it was necessary to submit an appropriate sketch. The sketch can be sketched by hand or by a computer program and usually consists of a plan of the apartment with all changes and explanations. The data of the apartment in the register was corrected.

As no load-bearing / stiffening structure of the building was altered during this activity, a Notice of Submission of Data to the Local Government, accompanied by an appropriate sketch and explanations, was sufficient. On the basis of this notification, the data of the apartment were supplemented in the register and the matter was resolved correctly.

In short, before starting construction work, it would be reasonable to consult a local government specialist or a person who deals with it on a daily basis in order to specify which documents are necessary for the performance of the respective work. You can also write to us, we will usually reply to you within a few hours. You can do it quickly and easily here.

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